End-to-end encrypted messaging
Description for an end-to-end encrypted datagram service supporting multicast
- low network overhead for the security offered
- ~10 bytes for every group member
- ~250bytes for an encrypted public key for multicast
- ~250bytes for the signature (similar to SSL/TLS)
- supports multiple recipients with minimal bandwidth overhead
- anonymous message sources, unknown message content (as seen by the managing servers)
- signed messages
- only the endpoints know the group compositions, none of servers do
Node overview
- S : Source, the device sending the message
- P1 : First proxy (randomly chosen by S)
- P2 : Second proxy (responsible for the message division, specified by S to P1)
- CS : All user devices have a connection to this node in order to receive messages
- T : Target, the destination of the message
- Generate a temporary key
- Encode the payload with the key
- Prepend the key to the payload
- Encrypt the key and payload combination with a supplied public key
- All devices keep a connection with the central server for receiving messages.
- All devices not behind a NAT (ie. servers) without bandwidth limits (ie. mobile devices) act as proxies.
- Get data from the central server: its public key and a list of proxies with their public keys.
- Generate a local key pair for signing.
Creating a group
- generate a key pair locally
- add yourself to your local recipient list, which contains the ids and public keys of each member
Adding a user
The user already in the group
- prompt for a target id to add to the group
- prompt for a passphrase
- encode the group key pair and recipient list with the passphrase
- send the message to the target id
The user being added
- Sees that he has received a message for which none of his private keys work
- prompt for a passphrase
- if it works, add the recipient list and private key to its cache
- for every recipient except itself send scrambled with private_keyG
- the updated recipient list
- the new users public key
Sending a message
- Contents of the initial message, which are sent from S to random proxy P1
- The message, signed with the private_keyS, encrypted with public_keyG
- S encrypted with public_keyG
- The recipients, encryped with the public_keyCS
- A specification for which P2 to use (random)
- public_keyG encoded with public_keyP2
- P1 forwards the message to P2, contents:
- The message encrypted with public_keyG
- S encrypted with public_keyG
- The recipients, encryped with public_keyCS
- public_keyG encoded with public_keyP2
- P2 splits the message into one for every recipient, contents of a single message:
- The message encrypted with public_keyG
- One of the recipients, still encrypted with public_keyCS
- P2 scrambles the payload of every message using the groups public key (which gets decoded with the private key of P2)
- P2 scrambles the entire message with the public_keyCS
- P2 sends every message to CS (possibly through a randomized additional proxy if there is low traffic to avoid traffic pattern detection)
- CS descrambles and then decodes the destition of all messages and sends them to the different T
- T decodes the message using private_keyG and descrambles (step 4), decodes again (step 1) and obtains the cleartext.
- T verifies whether the signature is correct and passes on the message to the receiving application
Who knows what?
- Message contents
- All recipients
- Message signature
- Choice of P1 and P2
- S
- Choice of P1 and P2
- Choice of P1 and P2
- Group public key
- Choice of P2
- A single recipient
- Message contents
- Message origin
- Message signature
Possible problems:
- Source bandwidth increases with group size (if every group member would use their own key pair for encryption)
- Fixed by adding the shared group key pair
- Keeping participants anonymous whilst verifying their authenticity
- Fixed by the requirement for a passphrase when adding people (which has to be distributed over another secure channel)
- Sending data to anonymous receivers
- No need for anonymous receivers due unknown message contents and anonymous transmitters
- Latency due to a triple proxy (P1, P2, CS)
- can be shortened to a double proxy by sacrificing multicast possibilities (eliminating P2)
- But the double proxy still ensures anonymity
- If you have control over the paths between P1, P2 and CS you can trace the path of the packet.
- Their input and output content at P2 is entirely scrambled and combined with a high traffic level and a short, randomized wait, this prevents traffic flow analysis.
- If you have control over all servers you can trace the path of the packet
- Indeed. As long as not all the servers get hijacked the system is still anonymous though and due to the random choice of P1 and P2.
- The content of the packet will always remain unknown to the hijackers due to the end-to-end encryption.
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